Magic Wizard TechTools to democratize access to Blockchains and power the future of Web3

We are a team of engineers and product developers based in New York City dedicated to creating easy access for everyone to the Web3 ecosystem.

Startup Spaceship

About Us

Our team has been building tools for the internet since the first boom (and subsequent bust) in the late 90s. We have experienced the ups and downs of “Web1”, “Web2”, and now the new paradigm of “Web3”.

Given our extensive background in development of products and tools we are well-positioned to explore, build, and provide user and developer friendly utilities for this next, and exciting, iteration of the internet. We are focused on enabling everyone the ability to explore, enhance, and improve the use of blockchain technology.

Coding away!

Building for the metaverse

We're here to help

We have intimate knowledge of blockchain technology and extensive experience running big data applications in mission critical production environments with millions of concurrent users. We are specialized in building tools to help query the blockchain. Don't hesitate to contact us!